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Major Guide: Communication Studies

At its core, communications is the study of how human beings interact and communicate information effectively. In the rapidly globalizing world of today, cross cultural dialogue is becoming an increasingly important aspect of every professional field and sector of society. Studying communications abroad is your opportunity to greatly deepen your knowledge of the discipline while exposing yourself to all different forms of communications, social settings, and societial customs.

Below are recommended programs for Communication Studies majors that offer full course loads of degree requirements.

*This is not an exhaustive list.

Communication Studies Major Guide (PDF version)

Sydney opera house and bay area Prague city and river view

CCI Global Communication Scholars Semester

CEA Prague, Czech Republic – Full Curriculum

Program Type: UT Academic Internship, UT Faculty-Directed

Program Location: Sydney, Australia

Program Feature: Internship placements available

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Location: Prague, Czech Republic


Quick Look: The program includes one course taught by a UTK faculty member and one course taught by a faculty member at the University of Sydney, followed by a credit-bearing internship. Quick Look: Choose from 100+ courses to take with local Czech and other international students at Anglo-American University (AAU). All courses are taught in English.
Shanghai city skyline

SAI Programs – John Cabot University

UT in Florence

UT Open Campus Semester

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Location: Rome, Italy

Program Type: UT Direct

Program Location: Florence, Italy

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Location: Berlin, Germany; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Cape Town, South Africa; Copenhagen, Denmark; London, UK; Madrid, Spain; Merida, Mexico; Monteverde, Costa Rica; Paris, France; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Rome, Italy; Santiago, Chile; Shanghai, China; Sydney, Australia

Quick Look: Studying in Florence gives you the opportunity to live in the heart of the Renaissance while experiencing the modern, thriving city of today. Quick Look: Florence has become the epitome of a global city, reflecting the world’s diverse cultures, ethnicities, ideas, and forms of creativity, while remaining faithful to its strong artistic tradition. Quick Look: UT Open Campus program offers you flexibility to engage and experience multiple countries in your own way on their open campus block program.

UTK Communicating Across Cultures in Dublin

UT in Florence

UT in Milan

Program Type: UT Faculty-directed

Program Location: Dublin, Ireland

Program Type: UT Direct

Program Location: Florence, Italy


Program Type: UT Direct

Program Location: Milan, Italy

Program Feature: Internship placements available

Quick Look: Dublin is draped in history and culture. You will take two courses while in Ireland: CMST 442: Organizational Communication Processes and CMST 491: Intercultural Communication. Quick Look: Florence has become the epitome of a global city, reflecting the world’s diverse cultures, ethnicities, ideas, and forms of creativity, while remaining faithful to its strong artistic tradition. Quick Look: Known for its appreciation of the arts and fashion, Milan also enjoys a unique landscape, home to the most skyscrapers in Italy, and also to canals that run throughout parts of the city.