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Major Guide: Global Studies

Global Studies (n) – understanding connections between different parts of the world

What better way to do so than through studying abroad? Improve your personal perspectives of the world while gaining knowledge from your foreign peers and instructors.

Below, are recommended programs for Interdisciplinary majors with a concentration of Global Studies. These programs will allow you to take a full load of courses which will fulfill your degree requirements.
*This is not an exhaustive list.

SAS Anne Street - Dublin

Semester at Sea

(use the Program Search)

University College Dublin

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Location: Multiple

Program Feature: Service-learning opportunities

Program Type: UT Direct

Program Location: Dublin, Ireland

Quick Look: Go to class while sailing the sea, watch the sunset over the Indian Ocean or stare up at the Mediterranean stars. Travel and grow with hands-on, experiential learning opportunities in every port. Quick Look: UCD is Ireland’s largest and most international university, with nearly 1 in every 5 of it’s 33,000 students from outside Ireland’s borders.


UT in Madrid

UT Open Campus Semester

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Location: Madrid, Spain

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Location: Multiple

Program Feature: Service-learning opportunities; Research & internship placements available

Quick Look: With coursework available in a variety of disciplines, taught in English and/or any level of Spanish, study Hispanic Studies, Spanish, Global Studies and more. Quick Look: UT Open Campus program offers you flexibility to engage and experience multiple countries in your own way on their open campus block program.

Brussels Freiburg Duisburg

CIEE Brussels: Business, Communications & Culture

IES Abroad European Union

University Duisburg-Essen Sociology Summer School

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Location: Brussels, Belgium

Program Feature: Internship placements available

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Location: Freiburg, Germany

Program Type: UT Exchange

Program Location: Duisburg, Germany

Quick Look: As the European Union capital, Brussels draws an impressive number of diplomats and international institutions. Grab a front row seat to examine the political and economic issues of the day. Quick Look: Study the European Union and its relationships with its neighbors to the east. This program challenges you with a unique Integrative Seminar and with a variety of elective course options. Quick Look: Focus on broadening the sociological imagination beyond the national borders of most sociological theories and empirical data to generate new understandings of cross-border social interactions and interrelations.
Chiang Mai

UT in Milan

USAC Thailand: Southwest Asian Economics, Politics & Culture Studies

Program Type: UT Direct

Program Location: Milan, Italy

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Locations: Chiang Mai, Thailand

Program Feature: Internship & field work placements available

Quick Look: Known for its emphasis and appreciation of the arts and fashion, Milan also boasts a large opera presence. Milan has the most skyscrapers in Italy, and also to canals (Navigli) that run throughout parts of the city. Quick Look: Surrounded by high mountain ranges, Chaing Mai is in one of the most scenic areas in the country. A city of approximately 1 million people, there is no shortage of things to do.