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Major Guide: Social Work

Social Work is truly an all-encompassing discipline that extends into policy, education, health care, psychology, and more.

Every country has its own structures and challenges when it comes to the treatment and regulation of its citizens. By studying social work abroad, you will be exposed to different approaches to the major themes across society, and gain valuable hands-on experience that you can apply to your career and specialization

Below, are recommended programs for Social Work majors that will allow you to take a full load of degree requirements.
*This is not an exhaustive list. 

UTK International Service Learning & Community Engagement

(Spring Break program)

University of Canterbury

Program Type: UT Faculty-directed

Program Location: Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

Program Type: UT Direct

Program Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

Program Features: Internship placements available; Service-learning opportunities

Quick Look: Students engage in meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich their learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen intercultural understanding. Quick Look: Christchurch is an urban area with a population of more than 350,000 people with many places to explore in a mild and temperate climate.


Image result for Maroochydore Student on a mountain top during study abroad trip

University of the Sunshine Coast

USAC New Zealand: Massey University

Program Type: UT Exchange

Program Location: Maroochydore, Australia

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Location: Palmerston North, New Zealand

Quick Look: USC is a designated wildlife reserve and students can often spot kangaroos and other Australian wildlife on campus. USC is a small institution with modern facilities and beautiful landscaping. Quick Look: Palmerston North offers a great selection of cafes, pubs, and restaurants catering to the student palate and wallet. Horse trekking, whitewater rafting and kayaking are available in this incredibly scenic area.

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UTK Service Learning in Ireland

UTK Service Learning in South Africa

Program Type: UT Faculty-directed

Program Locations: Limerick or Galway, Ireland

Program Feature: Service-learning opportunities

Program Type: UT Faculty-directed

Program Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Program Feature: Service-learning opportunities

Quick Look: You will have the opportunity to learn in and outside the classroom as you reflect on your own culture and cultural identities as you learn about the cultures of South Africa. Quick Look: Students will be able to engage in service learning in Ireland while developing a deep appreciation of Irish culture in either Galway or Limerick.