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Withdrawal Policy

Withdrawal Policy for UT Credit Programs

  • Faculty Directed Programs
  • Academic Internships

UT Credit Program Withdrawal Form

By committing to participate in a UT Credit abroad program, the Programs Abroad Office has agreed to incur expenses on participants’ behalf. By committing to a program, participants accept responsibility for all associated fees* as described below, even if students have withdrawn prior to these charges being billed to their account. In order to withdraw from an abroad program after committing, regardless of reason, participants must submit formal notification to the Programs Abroad Office using this form. Notifying the program leader, provider, or any other university official is not sufficient, nor is simply dropping the associated class(es) on myUTK. A withdrawal will not be official until participants submit notification as outlined above.

  • Entire Non-Refundable Program Fee as listed on the Program Brochure:
    • Programs Abroad will try to advocate on participants’ behalf to recoup as much of the fee as possible at the time of withdrawal, and will reduce charges accordingly if able. However, if a participant withdraws, regardless of reason, full or partial refunds for the Program Fees are never guaranteed and participants are ultimately responsible for the entirety of this fee.
  • $175 Non-Refundable Global Programs Administrative Fee: The Global Programs Administrative Fee, charged to every UT student who participates in an abroad program, is used to support development of new global program opportunities. This is reflected on participants’ myUTK account. The Global Programs Administrative Fee is non-refundable unless the program is canceled.
  • *UT Tuition and fees for associated abroad programs are assessed and billed separately according to the Tuition and Fee Details published online by UTK’s OneStop: If students withdraw from the program prior to the session’s first day, it is their responsibility to withdraw from the course(s) in myUTK and that they will receive a full refund of tuition and course fees (Separate from the Program Fee listed above). If they withdraw after the session’s first day, refunds for recoverable tuition and course fees will be based on the university calendar.