Lily DiCicco | Summer 2023
We got to do so many cool things. Mammal transects, carbon sequestration, snorkeling, zoo tours (day and night). As well as learning about a lot of their native species, hiking, visiting Mayan temples, bat mist netting, and more. It was always a learning experience but never felt like just sitting in a classroom, it was always hands on.
What does the Volunteer Experience mean to you and how has your experience abroad contributed to it?
Studying abroad and the Volunteer Experience both have introduced me to some awesome people and helped me with determining future plans during my final year and after graduation.
What skills or experiences have you had in your time abroad to prepare you for life beyond UT?
Since I’m a wildlife and fisheries management major, the trip abroad taught me so many things I will use after UTK. Handling certain animals and conservation methods we’re definitely the main parts that will help me. As well as techniques I’ll be able to use in the field.