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Major Guide: Geology

Geologists study the make-up and function of our planet and know full well that to really succeed in the field, you must see as much of the Earth as possible. Study abroad programs in geology offer students the opportunity to explore regions of the planet they have never seen before and also to better understand how people in other nations see and study the earth beneath their feet.

Below, are recommended programs for Geology majors. These programs have been pre-approved and will allow you to take a full load of major courses.
*This is not an exhaustive list.

Anne Street - Dublin

University College Dublin

University of Canterbury

Program Type: UT Direct

Program Location: Dublin, Ireland

Program Type: UT Direct

Program Location: Christchurch, New Zealand


Brisbane panoramic Accra busy street Oslo Opera House reflection

University of Queensland

USAC Ghana: Accra – University of Ghana

USAC Norway: University of Oslo

Program Type: UT Direct

Program Location: Brisbane, Australia

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Location: Accra, Ghana

Program Feature: Internship placements available; Service-learning and field study opportunities

Program Type:UT Affiliate

Program Location: Oslo, Norway

Copenhagen, Denmark Innsbruck, Austria

DIS Copenhagen

University of New Orleans: Innsbruck

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Program Type: UT Affiliate

Program Location: Innsbruck, Austria