Faculty-Directed Programs Housing Policy
Housing is determined during the program development process and details can be found on individual program pages (brochures) in the VolsAbroad portal. Because the housing for faculty-directed programs has been chosen specifically to support the academic rigor and integrity of the program, the only exemption requests that will be reviewed are due to accommodations related to a disability. Please see the specific explanation and process below.
Exchange, Direct Enroll, Affiliate, or Academic Internship Housing Policy
If offered as a part of the program, students are required to live in program-provided housing. Students are required to apply for program housing within the windows of time communicated by the program provider or host institution.
Exemptions to the policy will only be considered for the reasons listed below. Please note that failing to apply for program housing by the program deadline is not a valid reason to file for an exemption. Failure to apply for program housing could result in administrative withdrawal from the program. Students are responsible for any fiscal ramifications of this withdrawal as outlined in the program withdrawal policy.
Housing Policy Exemptions
Disability Accommodation:
If you are seeking a housing exemption due to a request for accommodation needed on a program for a disability, you must work with UTK’s Student Disability Services.
To formally request an exemption, please email volsabroad@utk.edu with the subject line: “Housing Exemption” and include the following documentation (if the following documentation is not included, your request may not be reviewed):
- An up-to-date UT accommodation from Student Disability Services stating the exact accommodation(s) that must be met on the program.
- A letter from the program provider or host institution stating that they cannot meet your accommodation needs in their program-provided housing.
- Your in-country address and in-country contact information for emergencies.
- If you are still searching for housing at the time of your request for an exemption, you may state that in your email. If approved, your exemption request will be “conditionally approved” until UT received your in-country address.
- Failure to submit this information before 2 weeks of the program start date could result in administrative withdrawal from the program.
- If you are still searching for housing at the time of your request for an exemption, you may state that in your email. If approved, your exemption request will be “conditionally approved” until UT received your in-country address.
- A signed housing exemption waiver signed by you and your guardian(s). Please email volsabroad@utk.edu for a copy of the waiver.
Living with a Family Member Abroad:
If you are seeking a housing exemption because you would like to live with a relative, you must formally submit your request via email to volsabroad@utk.edu and include the following documentation (if the following documentation is not included, your request may not be reviewed):
*NOTE: Choosing to live with a relative may not release you from financial obligations for program housing.
- A letter from the program provider or host institution stating that they support your decision to live with a family member.
- A letter from the family member, who must be a resident of the city where your program is located, stating your relation to them and permission for you to live with them for the duration of your program including specific dates.
- Proof of residency from the family member (for visa purposes). Proof of residency includes:
- Copy of family member’s in-country ID or residence permit with current address matching the address of housing you are requesting to live in.
- Copy of lease or other document with family member’s name that shows the address listed on the ID/residence permit.
- Your in-country contact information for emergencies.
- A signed housing exemption waiver signed by you and your guardian(s). Please email volsabroad@utk.edu for a copy of the waiver.
- Note: You cannot live with any other student on the program.
I understand that in order to withdraw from an abroad program after committing, regardless of reason, I must submit written notification via the Official Online Withdrawal Request form (found in your VolsAbroad portal, or by contacting Programs Abroad at volsabroad@utk.edu). My withdrawal will not be official until I submit written notification as outlined above. I understand that notifying the program leader, provider, or any other university official is not sufficient, nor is simply dropping the associated class(es) in MyUTK.
I understand that by committing to participate in an abroad program, the Programs Abroad Office has agreed to incur expenses on my behalf. I understand and accept responsibility for all associated fees* as described below, even if I have withdrawn prior to these charges being billed to my account:
- Entire non-refundable program fee (associated with my faculty-directed program)
- The Programs Abroad Office may be able to recoup partial costs associated with the Faculty-Directed Abroad Program Fee, and reduce charges accordingly. However, if I withdraw, regardless of reason, I acknowledge that any refund for the Faculty-Directed Abroad Program Fee is never guaranteed and I am ultimately responsible for the entirety of this fee.
- The Faculty-Directed Abroad Program Fee can be found on the corresponding abroad program’s online brochure.
- The Program Fee typically encompasses accommodation, transportation, reservations for activities, and other items as indicated in the program itinerary.
- $175 non-refundable Global Programs Administrative Fee
- The Global Programs Administrative Fee, charged to every UT student who participates in an abroad program, is used to support development of new global program opportunities.
- You will see this fee reflected in your MyUTK account. By signing this document you acknowledge that after you commit to participate on your program, the Global Programs Administrative Fee is non-refundable unless the program is cancelled.
*Tuition and fees (including Study Abroad Insurance) for UT faculty-directed abroad programs are assessed and billed separately according to the Tuition and Fees Detail published online by OneStop.
If I withdraw from the abroad program, I understand that it is my responsibility to withdraw from my course(s) in MyUTK and that refunds for recoverable tuition and course fees will be assessed according to standard University policy for dropping course(s).
I understand that in order to withdraw from an abroad program after committing, regardless of reason, I must submit written notification via the Official Online Withdrawal Request form (found in your VolsAbroad portal, or by contacting Programs Abroad at volsabroad@utk.edu). My withdrawal will not be official until I submit written notification as outlined above. I understand that notifying the program leader, provider, or any other university official is not sufficient, nor is simply dropping the associated class(es) in MyUTK.
I understand that by committing to participate in an abroad program, the Programs Abroad Office has agreed to incur expenses on my behalf. I understand and accept responsibility for all associated fees* as described below, even if I have withdrawn prior to these charges being billed to my account:
- Entire non-refundable program fee (associated with my Academic Internship)
- The Programs Abroad Office may be able to recoup partial costs associated with the Academic Internship Program Fee, and reduce charges accordingly. However, if I withdraw, regardless of reason, I acknowledge that any refund for the Academic Internship Program Fee is never guaranteed and I am ultimately responsible for the entirety of this fee.
- The Academic Internship Program Fee can be found on the corresponding abroad program’s online brochure.
- The Program Fee typically encompasses accommodation, transportation, reservations for activities, and other items as indicated in the program itinerary.
- $175 non-refundable Global Programs Administrative Fee
- The Global Programs Administrative Fee, charged to every UT student who participates in an abroad program, is used to support development of new global program opportunities.
- You will see this fee reflected in your MyUTK account. By signing this document you acknowledge that after you commit to participate on your program, the Global Programs Administrative Fee is non-refundable unless the program is cancelled.
*Tuition and fees (including Study Abroad Insurance) for UT Academic Internships are assessed and billed separately according to the Tuition and Fees Detail published online by OneStop.
If I withdraw from the abroad program, I understand that it is my responsibility to withdraw from my course(s) in MyUTK and that refunds for recoverable tuition and course fees will be assessed according to standard University policy for dropping course(s).
I understand that in order to withdraw from an abroad program after committing, regardless of reason, I must submit written notification via the Official Online Withdrawal Request form (found in your VolsAbroad portal, or by contacting Programs Abroad at volsabroad@utk.edu). My withdrawal will not be official until I submit written notification as outlined above. I understand that notifying the program provider, host institution, or any other university official is not sufficient.
I understand that by committing to participate in an abroad program I accept responsibility for all associated fees as described below, even if I have withdrawn prior to these charges being billed to my account:
- Any tuition, housing, insurance, or program fees will be reimbursed according to my program provider’s or host institution’s cancellation or withdrawal policy. I will need to contact my program provider or host institution directly for this information and understand that any refunds for the program will be given at my program provider’s or host institution’s discretion.
- $175 non-refundable Global Programs Administrative Fee
- The Global Programs Administrative Fee, charged to every UT student who participates in an abroad program, is used to support development of new global program opportunities.
- You will see this fee reflected in your MyUTK account. By signing this document you acknowledge that after you commit to participate on your program, the Global Programs Administrative Fee is non-refundable unless the program is cancelled.
I understand that in order to withdraw from an abroad program after committing, regardless of reason, I must submit written notification via the Official Online Withdrawal Request form (found in your VolsAbroad portal, or by contacting Programs Abroad at volsabroad@utk.edu). My withdrawal will not be official until I submit written notification as outlined above. I understand that notifying the host institution or any other university official is not sufficient.
I understand that by committing to participate in an abroad program I accept responsibility for all associated fees as described below, even if I have withdrawn prior to these charges being billed to my account:
- Tuition at the full-time rate (including differential tuition) as published by The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
- I understand that a full or partial refund of UT tuition may be possible according to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville withdrawal policy and academic calendar.
- Housing, meals, insurance and/or program fees will be reimbursed according to my host institution’s cancellation or withdrawal policy. I will need to contact by host institution directly for this information and understand that any refunds will be given at my host institution’s discretion.
- $175 non-refundable Global Programs Administrative Fee
- The Global Programs Administrative Fee, charged to every UT student who participates in an abroad program, is used to support development of new global program opportunities.
- You will see this fee reflected in your MyUTK account. By signing this document you acknowledge that after you commit to participate on your program, the Global Programs Administrative Fee is non-refundable unless the program is cancelled.