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CGE Storytellers: Jacob Richards | Amsterdam and Edinburgh

Jacob Richards | Spring 2024

My time in Ireland has been flying by. I have been able to meet so many new people and form many friendships. As the semester continues on, UCD’s spring break has already begun. The time for international students to explore Europe has come. I was able to travel to Edinburgh, Scotland with a friend for several days then meet up with two other students in Amsterdam for close to a week. Traveling to Edinburgh was a fantastic experience. It’s a large and spacious city with amazing gothic architecture, but so few people live there relative to the size the pace is slow and relaxed. The people truly make the city though. Everyone is friendly and welcoming and knows all the best spots and activities to do no matter how long or short your trip is. We were able to get the last two tickets to a comedy show and spent an evening with a classical folk storyteller who gave us a history of Scotland’s relationship with the English over the last 80 years. Arriving in Amsterdam really showed just how different two places can be. Amsterdam has very little green and is extremely flat and constantly busy. It is much more cramped, but has nice broad canals throughout the city that allow for the illusion of space. The highlight of my time there was the Van Gogh museum which had so many amazing pieces of art and told the life story of one of the most famous artists in history. As I reflect on my time in Edinburgh and Amsterdam, I am filled with gratitude for the wealth of experiences and encounters that have enriched my journey abroad.


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